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2 Types of Hemorrhoids and What They Mean

Over half of the American population over the age of 50 has had an experience with hemorrhoid symptoms. Everyone has hemorrhoids but it’s not until you develop problems that they may need treatment.

A visit to Colorado Colon & Rectal Specialists in Parker, Colorado, can lead to diagnosis and treatment of  your hemorrhoid issue. Proctologist and hemorrhoid expert Dr. Lisa Perryman specializes in non-surgical solutions whenever possible, though treatment depends on the type of hemorrhoids you have, as well as the severity of your condition. 

Why hemorrhoids occur

Tissue in your rectum and anus can bulge and swell under pressure. This stretching leads to symptoms like: 

A family history of hemorrhoids increases the chance that you’ll develop them. Other risk factors contributing to the condition include:

Any situation that leads to strain in the lower pelvis can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. 

2 types of hemorrhoids

There are two types of hemorrhoids, defined by where they’re located. 

Internal hemorrhoids

These start inside the rectum and generally create few symptoms. You may become aware of them when straining through a bowel movement produces small amounts of bright red blood with your stool. Internal hemorrhoids can become prolapsed if the tissue pushes through the anal opening, where it becomes irritated and painful. 

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids start in the outer skin around your anus. The first sign is often irritation and itchiness in the anal area. This region may also experience swelling, and pain can range from uncomfortable to painful. Often blood can pool and clot in an external hemorrhoid. This is called a thrombus, and it  can create severe pain, inflammation, and swelling. 

When to visit a doctor

Hemorrhoid symptoms usually clear up in a few days. If you have significant pain, contact our office and arrange an exam with Dr. Perryman. Though rectal bleeding is common with hemorrhoids, it can also be a symptom of more serious conditions, particularly when it’s accompanied by changes in bowel movement consistency or frequency. 

You can reach Colorado Colon & Rectal Specialists by phone or online to schedule your visit. Don’t wait for further complications. Book your appointment today.

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